We can export values out of a module, simple values or even entire
Whatever we export from a module is called the public API.
This public API is actually consumed by importing values into a
These other modules from which we import are then called
dependencies of the importing module.
The differences between old school scripts and modern ES6 modules is
that, in MODULES, all top level variables are scoped to the module.
So variables are private to the module by default and the only way
an outside module can access a value that's inside of a module is by
exporting that value. So if we don't export the variables from the
module, then no outside modules can use those variable.
In SCRIPTS, on the other hand, all top level variables are always
global and this can lead to problems like global namespace
pollution, where multiple scripts try to declare variables with the
same name and then these variables collide.
ES6 MODULES are always executed in strict mode while SCRIPTS on the
other hand are executed in sloppy mode by default. So with modules,
there is no more need to manually declare strict mode.
In MODULES the "this" keyword is always undefined at the top level
while in SCRIPTS it points at the window object.
With MODULES, we can export and import values between them using
this ES6 import and experts syntax. In regular SCRIPTS, importing
and exporting values is just completely impossible.
Imports and exports can only happen at the top level, i.e.,
outside of any function or any if block.
All Imports are Hoisted.
The code of the importing modules gets executed first, then the code
of the actual module, that we are in, gets executed.
In order to link a module to an HTML file, we need to use the script
tag with the type attribute set to module, instead of just a plain
script tag.
Whenever a piece of code is executed, the first step is to parse
that code.
Parsing basically means to just read the code, without executing it.
In this moment, the imports are hoisted.
The connection imported and exported value is a live connection,
what that means is exported values are not copied to imports.
Instead, the imported value is basically just a reference to the
exported values like a pointer. So when the value changes in the
exporting module, then the same value also changes in the importing
In ES6 modules, there are two types of exports, Named Exports and
Default Exports.
All we have to do is to put export in front of anything, that we
want to export.
While importing, we have to use the exact same name of the variable
that we are importing and put it inside of curly braces.
We can export multiple variables from one module.
We can also change the name of variables while importing/exporting
them using the "as" keyword.
usually, we use, only when we want to export one thing per module,
that's the reason why they are called default.
We can mix default and named imports, but we should never do it.
We just export the function or variable we want to, without naming
it, from the exporting module and call it whatever we want in the
importing module.